Art And Culture

Anthropology of 2 South Tehran Districts

Anthropology of 2 South Tehran Districts
Anthropology of 2 South Tehran Districts

The Scientific Society of Anthropology convened by the students of Anthropology Department at the University of Tehran has organized a meeting on two neighborhoods in southern Tehran.

The meeting is slated for November 7, from 4 to 6 pm, at the university’s Faculty of Social Sciences.

Talks and anthropological discussions will cover the Darvazeh-Ghar and Harandi districts, Memar News (, a website on architecture and urban development, reported.

Darvazeh-Ghar and Harandi are two of the poorest neighborhoods in the capital with high addiction and drug abuse rates. Four lectures are planned under the title ‘From Darvazeh-Ghar to Harandi’.

Social worker and activist Delaram Ali will speak about the ‘Review on Intervention of NGOs in Harandi Neighborhood’. Cinema critic and urban socialist Navid Pour-Mohammadreza will examine ‘Is Urban Development Enough?’ Anthropologist Mitra Asfari will present ‘An Anthropological View of Harandi District’ and social activist Mahya Vahedi will discuss ‘Social Developments in Darvazeh-Ghar.’

The meeting is open to the public. The University of Tehran is located on Enghelab Avenue, between Quds and 16-Azar streets.

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