
No Place for US in Persian Gulf

No Place for US in Persian Gulf
No Place for US in Persian Gulf

Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan likened the US to an armed robber intruding into the Persian Gulf, advising Americans to get out of the region, after a top US military official accused Iran of playing a destabilizing role in the region.

“What are Americans doing in the Persian Gulf? They had better get out of this region and not cause nuisance for the regional countries,” Dehqan said on Thursday, in reaction to recent anti-Iran comments by commander of the US Central Command, Army General Joseph Votel, Tasnim News Agency reported.

In a testimony to the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday, Votel, America’s top military official in the Middle East, said Iran is one of the greatest threats to the US today and has increased its “destabilizing role” in the region.

In response, Iran’s defense chief said it is nonsense to expect that one would roll out a red carpet for an “insane armed robber” intruding into their home, referring to US military presence in the Persian Gulf off the coasts of Iran.

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