Art And Culture

Iranian Graphic Designs in 1940s, 50s on Display

Iranian Graphic Designs  in 1940s, 50s on Display
Iranian Graphic Designs  in 1940s, 50s on Display

The exhibition ‘Graphic Design of Iran (1)’ opens today, February 16, at the Iranian Museum of Graphic Design in Tehran, with a fresh look at the works of Iranian graphic designers in the 1940s and 1950s.

Organized by the Association of Graphic Designers, the exhibit showcases a collection of posters, signs, advertisements, book covers, equipment for creating the first motion pictures in Iran and artworks related to the two decades  40s and 50s kept in the archives of the museum, Honaronline reported.

The presented works will give a historical account of various events of the time in different fields of culture, politics and economics, and make visitors familiar with the facilities, tastes and knowledge of graphic design pioneers in Iran.

The exhibit is open to the public at the museum located at the courtyard of Police Park, N. Tohid St., Esteqlal Blvd., Estakhr St., Shahid Babai Highway.

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