
Victory of Turkish Democracy Hailed

Victory of Turkish Democracy Hailed
Victory of Turkish Democracy Hailed

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani hailed the victory of democracy and national will over “a desperate bid” in Turkey to topple the country’s government through a military coup. In a message to Turkey’s Parliament Speaker Ismail Kahraman on Saturday, Larijani congratulated his counterpart, members of parliament and Turkey’s government and people on the “victory of the nation’s will, national sovereignty and democracy over a desperate and doomed measure” against the democratically-elected bodies, Press TV reported. “Events [in Turkey] showed very well that the nations, vote, will and demand are decisive,” the top lawmaker said. “As an establishment that relies on people’s votes and demands, as well as Islamic principles, Iran has always supported democratically-elected governments as well as their people and national sovereignty.” The speaker said the Majlis “condemns the military move against democratically-elected institutions, particularly the attack on Turkey’s Parliament as the symbol of democracy and the nation’s will and demand.” Larijani noted that the Iranian government and nation will fully support the “Muslim people of the friendly and brotherly country” of Turkey.