People, Travel

Golestan Palace Beefing Up Security, Surveillance

Golestan Palace Beefing Up Security, Surveillance
Golestan Palace Beefing Up Security, Surveillance

The historical Golestan Palace in Tehran is being equipped with top-of-the-line security cameras and electronic surveillance systems to improve security and protection of the massive complex.

“After surveying the palace comprehensively and identifying the vulnerable spots and weak points in security, measures were taken to upgrade the site’s security,” Masoud Nosrati, manager of the complex, said.

Stressing the importance of beefing up the palace’s security protocols, Nosrati told ILNA the officials have greatly contributed to tightening up security.

“After the implementation of the project’s first phase, the entire complex will be fully and carefully monitored,” he said.

Following the theft of valuable colored tiles from Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque in Fars Province last month, which was not the first robbery from the historical site, the need for using modern technology to protect such areas was highlighted more than ever.

Golestan Palace is the former royal Qajar complex in Iran’s capital, Tehran, built in the 16th century by the Safavid Dynasty.

Said to be the oldest of the historical monuments in the city, the palace belongs to a group of royal buildings that were once enclosed within the mud-thatched walls of Tehran’s Historic Arg. It has beautiful gardens and buildings hold a collection of Iranian crafts and European presents from 15th and 19th century.

At the 37th session of UNESCO’s World Heritage Center in Cambodia in 2007, Golestan Palace was added to the list of world heritage sites.