
Serious Resolve Makes Nuclear Deal Possible

Serious Resolve Makes Nuclear Deal Possible
Serious Resolve Makes Nuclear Deal Possible

resident Hassan Rouhani says Iran is highly likely to reach a comprehensive nuclear agreement with the major powers, provided that the negotiating partners show "serious resolve".

In a meeting with Norwegian Foreign Minister Borge Brende in Tehran on Sunday, Rouhani reiterated, "If our negotiating partners show serious resolve in talks, we will be able to reach a comprehensive agreement in the remaining time (until the self-imposed November 24 deadline)," IRNA reported.

Elsewhere, he referred to the longstanding and good relations between Iran and Norway and said, "The current situation in the region and world demands more consultations between the two states to help boost bilateral cooperation."

The president described expansion of Iran-Norway relations as beneficial for both nations and said, "In the today's world, there is no way to reach progress, development and welfare but to cooperate and help each other to establish constructive ties between the nations."

The chief executive went on to say that Iran and Norway enjoy great potential to enhance relations in various spheres and particularly in the economic sector.

****Sanctions Benefit No Country

The head of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) described the sanctions imposed against Iran as "unacceptable" and "wrong", adding, "The sanctions will benefit no country."

Rouhani touched on the ongoing negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany) over Tehran's nuclear program and said, "Iran is resolved in the nuclear talks and has acted transparently in this regard."

"We are operating under direct supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency and within the framework of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

He expressed hope that Iran and the major powers could meet the declared objective of reaching a "win-win agreement" which will be beneficial to both parties.

He called for further consultation and cooperation between the world's countries to establish sustainable regional and international security and said, "Iran has been a victim of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction and has proposed the idea of a nuclear weapons-free Middle East."

The Norwegian foreign minister, for his part, expressed his country's intention to expand relations with Iran and said, "There is a great inclination in Norway for promoting cooperation with Iran."

"The Norwegian government and companies are prepared to resume their activities in Tehran and have sent positive signals in this line."

Referring to Iran's role in the region, Brende said, "Iran plays a key regional role and we believe it enjoys a great capacity to bring security and stability to the region, which should not be overlooked."

Addressing the president, he said, "Since your administration took office, the ground has been made prepared to further enhance Tehran-Oslo ties."

He stressed the need to fight against terrorism and extremism and said, "Norway and Iran share common stances vis-à-vis the battle against extremist groups such as the Islamic State (IS)."

In a separate meeting with the Norwegian official on Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif referred to the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 and said, "We are prepared for an agreement, provided that our nuclear rights are recognized."

The foreign minister referred to the latest regional developments and called for cooperation between the regional states to overcome the prevailing crises in the region as in Iraq and Syria.

****New Chapter in Iran-EU Ties

Brende, for his part, referred to his meetings with Iranian officials and highlighted the need for mutual consultations on regional issues.

The Norwegian foreign minister also touched on Iran-P5+1 nuclear negotiations and expressed hope that the talks would lead to a final and comprehensive agreement.

He reiterated, "Such an agreement will open a new chapter in EU-Iran bilateral relations."

The Norwegian foreign minister also met with the head of the SNSC, Ali Shamkhani, on Sunday. The two officials discussed issues of mutual interest in the meeting.