
All Clear for JCPOA Implementation

All Clear for JCPOA Implementation
All Clear for JCPOA Implementation

With the finalization of the document on cooperation with the other side to implement the July 14 nuclear deal for modernizing the Arak reactor, the path has been cleared for the full implementation of the accord, the nuclear chief said.

The pact, reached between Iran and P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany), gives Iran sanctions relief in return for temporary constraints on its nuclear program, including modifications to the Arak heavy water reactor.

"Today we were informed that foreign ministers of the six countries and EU foreign policy chief [Federica Mogherini] have signed, and thus made official, the document on redesigning and modernizing the Arak heavy water research reactor," Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told IRNA on Thursday.

"The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action committed the other side to giving guarantees for cooperation on redesigning the Arak reactor, which is now done," he said, referring to the deal by its official title.

Preparing the document was one of the two preconditions set by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for Tehran to go ahead with fulfilling its Arak commitments.

Measures on the Arak facility are now pending a final report by the UN nuclear agency, which is investigating what it calls "possible military dimensions" to Iran's past nuclear work, which Tehran has consistently denied.

Under a roadmap agreement signed with the International Atomic Energy Agency alongside the larger JCPOA, the assessment report is expected to be submitted to the board of governors by December 15, a final step to close Iran's case.

"As agreed, the board of governors will adopt a resolution to formally announce the closure of past issues," the AEOI director said.

The faster Iran acts to complete its measures, the sooner it will obtain relief from sanctions on Implementation Day, when the JCPOA goes into force.

"I hope we can get to Implementation Day in the shortest possible time after the board of governors announces the closure of past issues," Salehi added.