
Iran Refutes Kuwait’s Claims Over Shared Arash Gas Field

The boundaries of Arash Gas Field should be clearly delineated without delay as the longer it is postponed, the harder it will be to settle the disputes
Iran Refutes Kuwait’s Claims Over Shared Arash Gas Field
Iran Refutes Kuwait’s Claims Over Shared Arash Gas Field

Kuwait’s claims that it enjoys "full rights" along with Saudi Arabia to Arash Gas Field in the Persian Gulf, aka al-Durra field, by the two Arab countries, are totally unfounded, a senior energy analyst said.
“The maritime boundaries of the hydrocarbon reserve are yet to be demarcated and lack of such a border area does not mean that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have exclusive rights to tap into the resource and deny Iran’s rights,” Seyyed Mehdi Hosseini was also quoted as saying by ILNA.


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