
Satba, Education Ministry to Equip Schools With Solar Panels

The installation of PV panels at schools highlights the importance of tapping into renewable energies and its income is expected to help educational centers meet a part of their rising financial needs
Satba, Education Ministry to  Equip Schools With Solar Panels
Satba, Education Ministry to  Equip Schools With Solar Panels

In line with policies to install rooftop photovoltaic (PV) panels in educational centers, the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (Satba), Charity Schools Association of Iran and the Organization for Developing, Renovating and Equipping Schools (DRES), affiliated to the Education Ministry, signed a trilateral contract to equip a number of schools with solar equipment, managing director of the state-run Satba said.
“As per the agreement, the charity association, with the help of DRES, is obliged to equip schools in certain areas with small-scale photovoltaic stations and Satba has guaranteed to facilitate installation operations in addition to purchasing the generated power,” Mahmoud Kamani was also quoted as saying by IRNA.


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