Domestic Economy

ICCIMA Seminar Discusses Outlook of Developing Ties With Saudi Arabia

ICCIMA Seminar Discusses Outlook of Developing Ties With Saudi Arabia
ICCIMA Seminar Discusses Outlook of Developing Ties With Saudi Arabia

The Education and Research Institute, affiliated with the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, is scheduled to host a seminar titled “The Outlook of Developing Economic and Commercial Ties with Saudi Arabia” on May 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the news portal of ICCIMA reported.
The event will be addressed by Mahmoud Tavallaie, the head of Kashan Chamber of Commerce, industries, Mines and Agriculture, and Hamid Zadboom, Iran’s former trade advisor to Saudi Arabia.
Those interested may contact +982188814040 for more information.
The Iranian minister of economic affairs and finance said recently that Tehran aims to raise annual trade volume with Riyadh to $1 billion soon after resuming economic ties.


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