
Dena Petrochemal Complex Equipped With Domestically-Made Reactors

Dena Petrochem Complex Equipped With Domestically-Made Reactors
Dena Petrochem Complex Equipped With Domestically-Made Reactors

Five domestically-made reactors have been delivered to Dena Petrochemical Company in Asalouyeh, southern Bushehr Province, and seven more will be supplied by domestic manufacturers by the end of the current Iranian year (March 2024), the managing director of the company said.
Due to the US reimposition of sanctions on Iran in recent years, which prevented European countries to supply parts and equipment in the Energy sector to Iran, “we signed contracts with domestic and knowledge-based companies for the manufacture of the required equipment,” Hossein Hashemi was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
“One of these equipment, manufactured for the first time in the country at Arak Machine Manufacturing Corporation, is the synthesis gas production reactor, which is the beating heart of petrochemical plants,” he added.


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