Domestic Economy

Rice Import Hit 1.3 Million Tons

Rice consumption in Iran is currently around 3 million tons per year, about 70% of which are supplied through domestic production
Rice Import Hit 1.3 Million Tons
Rice Import Hit 1.3 Million Tons

Around 1.3 million tons of rice were imported into Iran during the first eight months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Nov. 21), according to the head of Rice Importers Association.
“We still need to import 300,000 tons more to ensure an adequate supply of the staple grain to the market in the runup to the New Year holidays [in March],” Karim Akhavan-Akbari was also quoted as saying by IRIB News.
A total of 1.75 million tons of rice were imported into Iran during the last Iranian year (March 2021-22), which set a 10-year record, according to the secretary of Iran Rice Association.


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