
Energy Ministry Hikes Solar, Wind Power Purchase Prices

By offering higher prices, the government intends to encourage private enterprises to invest in renewables because the firms have played an important role in the development of green energy
Energy Ministry Hikes Solar, Wind Power Purchase Prices
Energy Ministry Hikes Solar, Wind Power Purchase Prices

The government has increased the guaranteed purchase prices for solar and wind power generated by private companies by 20-60% compared to 2021.
A new directive to raise tariffs (for private sector producers) was announced by Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian on Nov. 9 to encourage investment, the Energy Ministry’s new portal cited the press release issued by state-run Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (Satba).
The minister noted that the new prices for generating electricity from small-scale solar power stations (with less than 20 kilowatt capacity) have risen by 20% per kilowatt, reaching 6 cents/kWh.


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