
Gasoline Vapor Recovery at Pumps Making Slow Progress

Stage I gasoline vapor recovery units, which capture vapors expelled from underground storage tanks at gas stations, have been installed in all filling stations
Gasoline Vapor Recovery at Pumps Making Slow Progress
Gasoline Vapor Recovery at Pumps Making Slow Progress

To collect toxic emissions, the first and second stages of a plan to recover gasoline vapor have been implemented at 450 filling stations across the country, the head of Engineering Department at the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) said.
“Stage I gasoline vapor recovery systems, which capture vapors expelled from underground storage tanks at gas stations, have been completed in all [3,400] filling stations, but the second stage has been delayed in most pumps for the last two years due to financial constraints,” Kavous Samani was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news portal.
Stage II includes the installation of special fuel dispensing nozzles at the pumps to capture gasoline vapor that would otherwise be vented during individual vehicle refueling.


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