Domestic Economy

Iran, EEU Likely to Start Free Trade From March 2023

As part of the free trade agreement Iran is negotiating the Eurasian Economic Union, 80% of goods traded between the two sides will be entitled to zero customs tariffs
Iran, EEU Likely to Start Free Trade From March 2023
Iran, EEU Likely to Start Free Trade From March 2023

With the conclusion of free trade talks between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union, the two sides will most likely start exchanging goods with zero tariffs as of the next Iranian year (starting March 21, 2023), says Alireza Peymanpak, the head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran.
“Over the past year, we have held nine rounds of negotiations with EEU member states. Currently, a preferential trade agreement is in force between us, as a result of which Iran-EEU trade increased from $2.3 billion in 2015 to around $5 billion in 2021,” he was quoted as saying by Mehr News Agency.
“The PTA has led to a 55% rise in exports to EEU over the last three years. Once FTA comes into effect, a market as big as $700 billion will open up to Iranian products and services.”


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