
Smart Meter Scheme Is Making Headway

Smart Meter Scheme Is Making Headway
Smart Meter Scheme Is Making Headway

One million smart power meters have been installed across Iran for high-consuming subscribers in the last decade and the program is moving forward, head of the Power Transmission and Distribution Monitoring Office at Iran Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) said.
“Of the total [one million], around 700,000 were installed in the agro and industrial sectors. Households and commercial centers accounted for the rest,” Abdolsaheb Arjoumand was quoted as saying by IRNA.
During a visit to the Mashhad Power Distribution Company on Sunday, Arjoumand said Mashhad accounts for 10% of all installed smart meters.
“There are about 1.6 million electricity subscribers in the pilgrimage city where the power grid extends 17,000 kilometers.”


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