
Mahallat PV Station to Link Up With Nat’l Grid Soon 

Mahallat PV Station to Link Up With Nat’l Grid Soon 
Mahallat PV Station to Link Up With Nat’l Grid Soon 

The first phase of the largest Iranian solar farm in Mahallat, Markazi Province, with a capacity of 120 megawatts of electricity, will become operational in September, Arak’s governor general said.
“Being built on 500 hectares near the city of Mahallat, the photovoltaic [PV] station will help stabilize power supply in the industrial region,” Farzad Mokhles was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
Started in March, the plan is expected to come on stream in less than a month.
“Equipment and panels needed to produce 25 MW [of the total 120 MW capacity] are in place and the farm will be linked to the national power grid soon.”


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