
Water Quality to Improve in Kerman Rural Regions

Water Quality to Improve in Kerman Rural Regions
Water Quality to Improve in Kerman Rural Regions

The water transfer project from Nesa Dam in Kerman Province to rural areas in the cities of Bam and Baravat has progressed by 45%, the energy minister said.
“The initiative, aimed at supplying village dwellers in the region with quality piped water, is expected to come on stream by the yearend,” Ali Akbar Mehrabian was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
“Close to 60 km of pipeline have been laid and operations to build a pumping station and a water treatment facility is underway. About $20 million have been spent on the plan so far and $50 million are needed to complete the venture on time,” he said.
According to the official, the same pipeline will be used to transfer piped water to other rural districts in Narmashir, Rigan and Fahroj counties.


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