Domestic Economy

Import Prerequisites Inappropriate, Unfair

Import Prerequisites Inappropriate, Unfair
Import Prerequisites Inappropriate, Unfair

Not long ago, order registration for imports used to take 15 minutes; there were no restrictions like ceiling or having prior experience in imports, Mehrad Ebad, a member of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, prefaced his write-up for the TCCIM website with this note. A translation of the text follows:
With the onset of sanctions and decline in the inflow of foreign resources, policymakers introduced rules and regulations, such as enforcing a ceiling and stipulating previous experience, to control demand for foreign currency. 
Since a decade ago, they have unveiled a new amendment to improve the order registration process once every two months, but they don’t realize that restrictions on import will increase the end prices of goods and smuggling, apart from depriving the government of import revenues. 


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