Domestic Economy

Ports Unloaded 7.6m Tons of Essential Goods in Four Months

Ports Unloaded 7.6m Tons of Essential Goods in Four Months
Ports Unloaded 7.6m Tons of Essential Goods in Four Months

A total of 7.66 million tons of essential goods were unloaded at Iran’s southern and northern ports in the first four months of the current Iranian year (March 21-July 22), according to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.
The consignments included 2.71 million tons of wheat, registering a 181% growth compared with the similar period of last year; 2.58 million tons of corn with no significant year-on-year change; 1 million tons of soymeal, registering a 9% YOY rise.
The volume of unrefined vegetable oil, barley and unrefined sugar stood at 336,153 tons, 287,100 tons and 249,267 tons respectively, ILNA reported.


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