Domestic Economy

Critical Economic Risks Examined 

Critical Economic Risks Examined 
Critical Economic Risks Examined 

The World Economic Forum has published the Global Risks Report 2022, which tracks global risk perceptions among experts and world leaders in business, government and civil society. 
Examining risks across five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological, the annual report also analyses key risks to explore further in deep-dive chapters. These include risks that feature prominently in the survey, those for which warning signs are emerging, or potential blind spots in risk perceptions. 
The economic fallout from the pandemic, disorderly climate transition, digital dependencies and cyber vulnerabilities, barriers to migration and competition in space are among major global concerns, according to the findings of this report.
Covid-19 and its economic and societal consequences continue to pose a critical threat to the world in 2022. Vaccine inequality and a resultant uneven economic recovery risk compounding social fractures and geopolitical tensions. 
In the poorest 52 countries — home to 20% of the world’s people — only 6% of the population had been vaccinated at the time of writing. By 2024, developing economies (excluding China) will have fallen 5.5% below their pre-pandemic GDP growth forecast, while advanced economies will have surpassed it by 0.9%, widening the global income gap. 


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