Domestic Economy

Strategies to Control Inflation Examined

Strategies to Control Inflation Examined
Strategies to Control Inflation Examined

Governments in Iran always intensify supervisory activities in an attempt to control inflation whereas inflation will remain in place as long as the factors causing it continue to exist, Vahid Shaqaqi-Shahri, an economist and university professor, prefaced his write-up for the Persian daily Ta’adol with this note. Below is a translation of the text: 
Inflation has two sources: domestic and foreign. Global prices of goods have increased and since Iran is an importing country, the rise in prices can be partly blamed on the rise in global prices. 
The suspension of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [Iran nuclear deal] has also played a part in increasing prices. The fate of the deal should have been known by now. Protracted negotiations have been conducive to inflation instability. On the other hand, inflationary expectations increase as we get closer to the US 2022 midterm congressional elections in November. 


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