
New Petro-Refinery to Be Built in Hormozgan Province

New Petro-Refinery to Be Built in Hormozgan Province
New Petro-Refinery to Be Built in Hormozgan Province

The construction of Shahid Soleimani Petro-Refining Plant will start soon in the southern Hormozgan Province, Oil Minister Javad Owji said.
“With a refining capacity of 300,000 barrels per day, the plant will help increase the production of gasoline and other value-added products,” Owji was quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
Petro-refineries integrate refining and petrochemical to produce both fuels and raw materials for petrochemical companies.
Such plants have boosted the profitability and development of petro-refineries in developed countries.


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