Business And Markets

Knowledge-Based Businesses Expand

According to available data, total goods and services handled by knowledge-based companies is in the region of 900 trillion rials ($3.3b) a year. A decade ago it was hardly 2 trillion rials ($7.5m)
Knowledge-Based Businesses Expand
Knowledge-Based Businesses Expand

Banks gave 509.4 trillion rials ($1.92 billion) to 1,176 knowledge-based companies in loans in the first 10 months of current fiscal year (March 21- Jan 20). 
The amount was up 126.9% compared to the corresponding period last year, according to Central Bank of Iran data. 
Bank Melli Iran was the biggest state lender to the knowledge economy with 82 trillion rials ($309 million). 
Close to 150 trillion rials ($566m) was paid by two semi-private banks, namely Bank Mellat and Bank Saderat, lending 81 trillion rials and 68.8 trillion rials, respectively.  


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