Sci & Tech

E-Trust Symbol Expected to Lose Mandatory Transaction Status

E-symbol will not be a mandatory condition for receiving an online payment gateway, according to the chairman of Iran Fintech Association
E-Trust Symbol Expected to Lose Mandatory Transaction Status
E-Trust Symbol Expected to Lose Mandatory Transaction Status

E-trust symbol will no longer be a precondition for receiving the online payment gateway, Iran Fintech Association announced.
Noting that the decision was approved in a meeting of the Board of Deregulation and Facilitation of Business Licensing, the association’s chairman, Mahdi Shariatmadar, tweeted that this issue will hopefully be verified by the Council of Ministers so that the mandatory requirement of e-trust symbol will end, Shanbemag reported. 
The meeting was attended by Reza Olfat-Nasab as one of the representatives of the private sector and Shariatmadar as the chairman of Iran Fintech Association.


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