Domestic Economy

Caspian Boney Fish Harvest Rises by 11% in Two Months

Caspian Boney Fish Harvest Rises by 11% in Two Months
Caspian Boney Fish Harvest Rises by 11% in Two Months

Bony fish output from Iran’s three northern provinces bordering the Caspian Sea amounted to 1,458 tons from the beginning of the current fishing season in mid-October until Dec. 21, marking an increase of 11% compared with the similar period of last year, according to director general of Iran Fisheries Organization’s Harvest Department. 
“The fish output included Caspian kutum, mullet and common carp that accounted for 34%%, 49% and 15% of the total harvest respectively. Other kinds of fish made up around 2% of the yields,” Mokhtar Akhoundi was also quoted as saying by Mizan Online. 
Every year, more than 4,200 fishermen converge on 338 kilometers of Mazandaran’s coastline for six months.  


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