
South Pars Helium Extraction Imminent

Iran has massive helium resources, and it should not meet its needs by importing the odorless and non-toxic gas from Qatar
South Pars Helium Extraction Imminent
South Pars Helium Extraction Imminent

Tapping into the huge helium reserves in the giant South Pars Gas Field off the Persian Gulf is on the Oil Ministry’s agenda and operations will start in the near future.
Mohsen Khojastehmehr, managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company, made the statement on the sidelines of a ceremony to sign a contract with the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research or Jihad Daneshgahi, a subsidiary of the non-government Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, in Tehran on Tuesday.
“As per the contract worth $275 million, Jihad Daneshgahi was assigned to build skid-mounted processing units and mobile oil treaters compliant with international standards,” he said, adding that helium extraction from SP will start soon.


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