Sci & Tech

Iran’s Oil Sector Ties Up With Technology Ecosystem

The Oil Ministry’s tech park has tapped into the potentials of knowledge-based ecosystem to incorporate the latest technologies and boost the indigenization of its equipment and materials
Iran’s Oil Sector Ties Up With Technology Ecosystem
Iran’s Oil Sector Ties Up With Technology Ecosystem

Tehran’s Oil Tech Park, which is affiliated with the Oil Ministry, has signed four collaboration agreements with domestic technology entities to utilize their smart solutions in the conventional but crucial petrochemical sector.
During a Monday event in Tehran, the Oil Tech Park announced a partnership with the state-backed Iran National Innovation Fund to provide financing, market expansion and support to both fledgling and developed tech firms active in the field, reported.
INIF is managed by the Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology and serves as the state's arm for allocating financial aid to local budding tech teams.


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