Domestic Economy

Economic Expert Surveys Fiscal 2022-23 Budget

Economic Expert Surveys Fiscal 2022-23 Budget
Economic Expert Surveys Fiscal 2022-23 Budget

Except from a few key aspects, the fiscal 2022-23 budget bill submitted by President Ebrahim Raisi to the Iranian Parliament on Sunday is not different from the budget proposed by previous governments.
The statement was made by Hadi Haqshenas, an economic expert, in an article published by the Persian daily Arman-e Melli, who stressed that the bill lacks the needed structural reforms. A translation of the article follows:
This budget is the same as those of previous years; you don’t see any structural reforms in it. The new government’s budget is similar to all those of previous governments: resources and expenditures have been specified, tax exemptions or any increase in tax break ceilings have been set and a part of the budget has been allocated to provincial planning councils. 


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