Domestic Economy

Timber Harvest Estimated to Reach 1.5 mcum by March

Timber Harvest Estimated to Reach 1.5 mcum by March
Timber Harvest Estimated to Reach 1.5 mcum by March

Estimates show a total of 1.5 million cubic meters of timber will be produced in Iran by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2022), says the manager of Agriculture Ministry’s “Wood Farming Project”.
“Last year [fiscal 2020-21], as part of measures taken to reach the goals set in the Sixth Five-Year Development Plan [2017-22], we planted fast-growing trees on over 50,000 hectares across the country, mostly in the northern provinces where precipitation is relatively higher and there is no need for irrigation. About 70% and 30% of these lands went under the cultivation of cottonwood and eucalyptus respectively,” Kamran Pourmoqaddam was also quoted as saying by the Young Journalists Club.
This year, he added, fast-growing species will be planted on over 40,000 hectares across the country, starting in winter. 


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