
Tondgouyan Petrochem Company Sets Record in PET Production

Tondgouyan Petrochem Company Sets Record in PET Production
Tondgouyan Petrochem Company Sets Record in PET Production

Shahid Tondgouyan Petrochemical Company in Khuzestan Province has set a record in the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) products during the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March-October), managing director of the company said.
“About 670,000 tons of products were produced in the period, which was 10% more compared to the company’s output in the same period of last year,” Reza Qasemi Shahri was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
“During the seven-month period, more than 60,000 tons of products were added to the company’s production,” he said, adding that this is a record figure in the history of the company since it was established 16 years ago.


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