
NIOC: Discovery of Hydrocarbon Reserves Gets More Challenging

NIOC’s Exploration Department is undertaking nine seismic and geophysical initiatives across the country simultaneously and as soon as they yield positive results, drilling operations will follow
NIOC: Discovery of Hydrocarbon Reserves Gets More Challenging
NIOC: Discovery of Hydrocarbon Reserves Gets More Challenging

As time passes, the discovery of hydrocarbon reserves is getting more and more challenging.
Seyyed Saleh Hendi, the head of Exploration Department at the National Iranian Oil Company, made the statement in Fars Province on Monday in a ceremony held in Dashtkouh near Shiraz for launching seismic and geophysical operations in oil and gas fields, the Oil Ministry’s news portal Shana reported.
“It appears that there are no huge oil and gas reserves to be discovered. However, reliance on geophysical and seismic data can help accelerate the discovery of small- and medium-sized fields.” 


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