
Power Facilities Match Generation

The national power grid is equipped with 7,000 transformers, including distribution, step-up, step-down, medium and large gas-insulated equipment, whose capacity has exceeded 290,000 MVA
Power Facilities Match Generation
Power Facilities Match Generation

The number and capacity of transformers and power substations have increased in proportion to the rise in electricity generation, a deputy manager at the state-affiliated Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir).
“The capacity of transmission and distribution substations has reached 173,000 megavolt amperes and 119,000 MVA respectively,” Hashem Alipour was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
“Iran's installed power generation capacity is 85,000 megawatts and the national power grid is equipped with 7,000 transformers, including distribution, step-up, step-down, medium and large gas-insulated equipment, whose capacity has exceeded 290,000 MVA,” he said.
“Iran has achieved self-sufficiency in the production of transformers and companies like Iran Transfo export their products to Asian and African countries.”


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