
Konjancham Dam in Ilam 85% Complete

Konjancham Dam in Ilam 85% Complete
Konjancham Dam in Ilam 85% Complete

The construction of Konjancham Dam in Mehran County, Ilam Province, has registered 85% progress and the budget to complete the project will be allocated soon, Ali Akbar Mehrabian, the new energy minister, said.
“A part of the project remained incomplete since the past few years due to financial problems. However, with the order of President Ebrahim Raeisi, the required fund will be provided so that it can be completed in the near future,” the minister was quoted as saying by Energy Today website.
The dam in the western province has a reserve capacity of 85 million cubic meters. So far, $15 million have been invested on its construction and an additional $5 million are needed to complete the project.


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