Domestic Economy

Tavanir Implementing Stepwise Electricity Pricing Mechanism

Having different consumption categories and a progressive tariff increase mechanism can spur consumers to moderate their usage and reduce their power bills
Tavanir Implementing Stepwise Electricity Pricing Mechanism
Tavanir Implementing Stepwise Electricity Pricing Mechanism

To curtail electricity consumption and ease power demand that soared to record-high levels in recent days, Iran Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) said it is charging consumers based on their consumption level, with the top energy users charged up to eight times the tariffs levied on average users, the company spokesman said.
“Under a stepwise pricing scheme, subscribers who consume less than 300 kilowatt-hour per month pay much less than the bill paid by those using more than 600 kWh monthly,” Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
“Power is sold at 1,000 rials (5 cents) per kWh to those whose consumption is maximum 300 kilowatts per month and those who use between 300 KW and 600 KW are levied 16% more than the previous category [6 cents per kWh]. And consumers that use more than 600 KW per month are charged 8,000 rials [40 cents] per kWh,” he added.


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