Domestic Economy

Greenhouse Projects Making Headway

Greenhouse Projects Making Headway
Greenhouse Projects Making Headway

A total of 4,311 hectares of greenhouses were built across the country in the last Iranian year (March 2020-21), according to the director of the Agriculture Ministry’s “Greenhouse Expansion Project”. 
“About 94% of our plans materialized last year since we had aimed to set up around 4,600 hectares,” Daryoush Salempour was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
“Topping the list of provinces where greenhouses were built last year are Tehran with 664 hectares, Isfahan with 611 hectares, East Azarbaijan with 347 hectares, Ardabil with 329 hectares, Hormozgan with 306 hectares and Khorasan Razavi with 288 hectares.” 


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