
Automaker Plans to Replace 30,000 Dilapidated Taxis by March 2022

Iran’s taxi fleet will get a boost after major automaker Iran Khodro Company and Iran Taxi Union replace 30,000 dilapidated vehicles with CNG-hybrids
Automaker Plans to Replace 30,000 Dilapidated Taxis by March 2022
Automaker Plans to Replace 30,000 Dilapidated Taxis by March 2022

Major local carmaker Iran Khodro (IKCO), in collaboration with Iran Taxi Union, plans to replace 30,000 dilapidated taxis with Euro 4 and 5 CNG-hybrid vehicles by the end of the current fiscal year (March 2022).
Alireza Oskoui, IKCO’s sales manager, said the scheme features two sedan models, Samand EF7 and Peugeot 405, the automaker’s website reported.
“The whole renewal process takes applicants less than a month. Owners of dilapidated taxis file an application with Iran Taxi Union. After identity verification, drivers are required to make a down payment. The invoice and license plate number of the new vehicle are issued and applicants are asked to complete their payments based on the price of the selected car model,” he said. 
Oskoui noted that new cars will be ready for delivery 48 hours after the drivers dispatch their old vehicles to scrapyards.


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