Domestic Economy

Government Outlines Track Record in Housing Sector

A total of 3.58 million homes in urban areas and 479,000 homes in rural areas were built from the year ending March 2014 to 36.4% in the year ending March 2020
Government Outlines Track Record in Housing Sector
Government Outlines Track Record in Housing Sector

The share of household expenditure pertaining to housing has increased from 33.2% in the year ending March 2014 (President Hassan Rouhani’s first year in office) to 36.4% in the year ending March 2020. 
According to a report published by the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development on its website, housing accounted for 33.4% of total household expenditure in the year ending March 2015, 33.7% in the year ending March 2016, 34.1% in the year ending March 2017, 33% in the year ending March 2018, 33.9% in the year ending March 2019 and 36.4% in the year ending March 2020. 
A total of 3.58 million homes in urban areas and 479,000 homes in rural areas were built during the seven-year period. 


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