Business And Markets

Investors Fleeing the Stock Market in Droves

Investors Fleeing the Stock Market in Droves
Investors Fleeing the Stock Market in Droves

Retail traders in Iran's bourse have taken out 400 trillion rials ($1.4 billion) after the chaotic market started to nosedive since mid-August. 
While a slew of neophytes flooded the market with new cash throughout the first five months of the current Iranian year (March-August), the flow reversed with the start of the sixth month (August 21) continues to this day.
Inquiries by the Persian-language economic news website, eghtesadnews, show more than 1,033 trillion trials ($3.8 billion) flowed into the market in the first six months of the fiscal year (March 20-Sept. 21) when the lure of the lucrative market was high.


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