
Research Firm Develops MTP Technology

Research Firm Develops MTP Technology
Research Firm Develops MTP Technology

Petrochemical Research and Technology Company has been granted a patent from the European Union for developing technology to convert methanol to propylene (MTP), the managing director said.
An MTP semi-industrial unit was launched recently in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province, with technical knowhow developed by engineers at the PRTC, Ali Pajouhan was reported as saying by the Oil Ministry news agency Shana.
“Work on the unit, which can produce 40 kilograms of propylene from methanol per hour, started in 2002 in collaboration with Germany’s Lurgi, which is now a subsidiary to France’s Air Liquide,” he said.
“Lurgi had not developed the technology for the project at the time, and according to the agreement signed with PRTC, it was to be developed by both companies,” Pajouhan noted.


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