
Energy Coop Talks in Kabul

Earlier this month Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian met Afghan Ambassador to Tehran Abdulghafoor Lival and said closer economic ties between the two peoples should be developed, especially in the energy sector
Energy Coop Talks in Kabul
Energy Coop Talks in Kabul

A deputy energy minister has expressed the hope that Iran and Afghanistan would expand cooperation in all areas of trade, transit, and electricity.
Homayoun Haeri said this in a meeting with the Afghan Acting Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar late on Tuesday in Kabul, IRNA reported.
Referring to the potentials of the two neighbors, especially in renewable energy, Haeri called on the senior diplomat to support two-way cooperation.
Haeri noted the two countries have good wind energy capacity in the joint border regions, which can be used to generate close to 16,000 megawatts of electricity. 


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