Sci & Tech

Iranian Startups Exploring New Technological Horizons

Iranian Startups Exploring New Technological Horizons
Iranian Startups Exploring New Technological Horizons

The Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology, a major supporter of the growing startup ecosystem, has taken new steps for extending the reach of technology by forging ties with other sectors, including industries.
In a bid to inject modern technologies into conventional industrial sectors, the vice presidential office has signed an agreement with Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Organization, affiliated with the Industries Ministry.
According to the vice presidential office’s website, the deal was signed on Wednesday by Peiman Salehi, deputy for innovation and technology commercialization at the office, and Mohsen Salehinia, the CEO of ISIPO.
The move is aimed at encouraging the establishment of innovative industrial units and upgrading the quality of products and services offered by small- and medium-sized enterprises.


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