
Iran's Gas Transport Network Needs Renovation

Iran's Gas Transport Network Needs Renovation
Iran's Gas Transport Network Needs Renovation

Iran has 37,000 kilometers of high-pressure gas pipelines and more than 2,000 trucks to transport CNG, a large part of which need renovation, the manager for operations coordination at the Iranian Gas Transmission Company said.
“Iran has one of the largest gas networks in the world and IGTC has one of the largest transport fleets among the subsidiaries of the Oil Ministry. However, about 70% of the grid and transportation system is dilapidated and need renovation,” the Oil Ministry news agency Shana quoted Majid Mosadeqi as saying.
IGTC’s mission is to supply safe and clean natural gas to all parts of the country on a regular basis, he added.
Referring to the importance of keeping machinery up-to-date with current prices and conditions, he said: “We must make the most of what is available. From next year we will launch a nationwide system to monitor the transportation fleet”.


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