
South Pars Reports Increase in Petrochem, Condensate Export

South Pars Reports Increase in Petrochem, Condensate Export
South Pars Reports Increase in Petrochem, Condensate Export

Exports from South Pars Gas Field off the Persian Gulf in the eighth month of the fiscal year (Oct. 23-Nov. 23) increased by 39% in volume compared to the same period last year, head of the customs office of Pars Special Economic Energy Zone said on Wednesday.
“Iran exported over 1.6 million tons of petrochemicals and gas condensates from South Pars, worth more than $580 million,” Ahmad Pourhaydar was quoted as saying by IRNA.
The numbers show 39% rise in volume and 5% spike in the value of exports compared to last year.
Despite the new US sanctions, Pourhaydar said the petrochemical industry is moving forward in production and export.


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