
Azarbaijan Province Poor in Renewables

Azarbaijan Province Poor in Renewables
Azarbaijan Province Poor in Renewables

Total power production in the two East and West  Azarbaijan provinces is 3,150 megawatts, of which barely 20 MW comes from renewables, operator of green energy power generation and distribution projects in the provincial electricity company said.
“According to state-owned Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization, aka Satba, the province is ranked as low as the 30th in terms of producing power from renewable sources,” Hamideh Eskandari said,  IRNA reported.
Azarbaijan Power Company is more than a century old but generates as little as 20 MW of renewable. This also means that not enough investment has been made in this important sector, nor have officials made enough effort to promote the expansion of clean energy, she added.


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