Sci & Tech

Communication Services Growing Fast in Iran

Over the past decade, there has been acceptable growth in the availability of communication services across Iran, especially in its rapidly expanding urban areas
Communication Services Growing Fast in Iran
Communication Services Growing Fast in Iran

The expansion of communication services and promotion of telecom infrastructure investment have been high on President Hassan Rouhani’s agenda since he took office for the first time in 2013.
Data released by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Iran show that the sector has observed significant growth over the past few years.
Internet penetration rate has reached 90.78% in the country. The mobile internet penetration rate is lower and stands at 78.14%. About two years ago, the rates stood at 53.53% and 41.72% respectively.
Iran has over 64 million mobile internet subscribers, in addition to the registration of 10.3 million landline internet subscriptions.


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