All the tough talk and bluster which was considered to be the signature approach of the Central Bank of Iran under Valiollah Seif toward unlicensed financial institutions, now seems to be on its…
Although a strong case can be made that there is a strong correlation between a robust financial system and economic growth, the mushrooming growth of banks and financial institutions in Iran,…
A s the Greek debt crisis reaches a crescendo, questions remain as to how the country found itself in its current dilemma.
As plans to launch a currency bourse loom closer, proponents and detractors of the proposal are growing more vociferous in defending their views. Advocates argue that such a move would promote…
Arthur Asa Berger is well-known among academic circles in Iran. Author of nearly 70 books and many articles in communications has made him one of the most prolific scholars in the field. His…
The ban on the use of cell phones by school children has been in place for some time now and Minister of Education Ali Asghar Fani has made it clear that it will not be revoked anytime soon and “…
Recent terror attacks on the French weekly satirical Charlie Hebdo reignited debates on the status of emerging terror networks around the world and also on new ways of recruitment by extremists.…
Not long ago, corporal punishment in schools was quite natural. Any misbehavior by school children was met with harsh and sometimes cruel punishment.
The international conference on Shakespeare convened for the first time in Iran concluded on Thursday, with speakers from Iran and overseas.
The list of the most air polluted places in the world includes several Iranian cities. Even as the country accelerates its efforts to tackle pollution, the toll is increasing both domestically and…
It’s now becoming more difficult to ignore the ravages of global warming; research shows that climate change is contributing to the deaths of nearly 400,000 people a year and costing the world…
Women in Iran are doing well in many areas. They outperform men academically - 65% in universities are women. They also account for 60% of the top spots in university entrance exams. Their…