The amended Anti-Money Laundering Law was finally signed into law by President Hassan Rouhani last month after it was studied in graphic detail by several entities, namely the specialized…
- Fatemeh-Mahjourian
In the article titled “Amendments to CFT Law, a Step in Right Direction” published on Monday, Article 1 of Iran’s new CFT law was assessed against parts of the Financial Action Task Force's…
Fatemeh-MahjourianAmendments to the CFT (Combating Financing of Terrorism) Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran were finally approved by the Guardians Council on Aug. 1 and have been notified by the president to…
Fatemeh-MahjourianThe deadline of the 18-month action plan prepared by the Financial Action Task Force for Iran ended in February 2018 and was extended for four months, in view of Iran's initiatives and…
Fatemeh-MahjourianThe deadline of the 18-month action plan prepared by the Financial Action Task Force for Iran ended in February 2018 and was extended for four months, in view of Iran's initiatives and…