Economy, Business And Markets

5m Coins Sold in Presales

5m Coins Sold  in Presales
5m Coins Sold  in Presales

As the Central Bank of Iran launched a new round of gold coin presales since the beginning of the new fiscal year (March 21), a total of five million coins have been sold by Bank Melli branches, the secretary-general of the monetary regulator said. “Of this number, the share of coins with a maturity period of one month was about one million coins and the rest were with longer maturity periods,” Mahmoud Ahmadi also told IRNA on Tuesday. A day earlier, First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri had said during the launch of CBI’s Forex Deals Integrated System, aka Nima, that only about 65,000 people, and not the general public, have so far favored the coin presales and some individuals have single-handedly purchased 26,000 coins


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