Business And Markets

Currencies, Gold Jump in Tehran 

Currencies, Gold Jump in Tehran 
Currencies, Gold Jump in Tehran 

Forex and gold prices posted significant growth in Tehran Monday, after continuous declines for two weeks. 
The US dollar gained 1.55% during the day in Tehran's open market and was traded at 294,200 rials. It closed at 284,700 rials on Saturday, losing 4.5% to the day. 
Likewise, the euro rose by 1.03% or 3,000 rials in the open market to buy 295,500 rials and the GBP climbed 0.98% to 351,200 rials. The UAE dirham gained 1.14% and was quoted at 79,800 while the Turkish lira was traded at 16,400 rials, up 1.55% on Sunday's close. 


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